(Grades 3-6)
Tutor: TBD
Length: Full Year or by Semester Class Period: Wednesday, eCHAT period 3 (11:30-12:15)

Description: In this class we will celebrate how God has made our bodies wonderfully. Students will learn how to care for their bodies while they explore movement, coordination, ball handling and sport skills. We will engage in team relays and many group games. The goal being fitness and fun! Students should wear t-shirt, loose-fitting shorts or pants and gym shoes.

This is a full year class, but new students are welcome to join 2nd semester.

Tutor: TBD

Cost:  $105, $115, or $125 per semester (depending on registration date)
Level: Grades 3-6

Prerequisite: none
Homework: none
Supplies: Students should wear t-shirt, loose-fitting shorts or pants and gym shoes. They should also bring a water bottle.